Can gluten be causing my acne?


"There is no direct evidence that a gluten allergy can cause acne. However, acne is very commonly linked to gluten sensitivity and is a common reaction symptom in those with celiac disease. This means that there’s a fairly good chance that your gluten sensitivity, wheat allergy, or celiac disease could be contributing to your skin problem."

I noticed a significant difference in my breakouts after eliminating gluten from my diet. My breakouts weren't as red, inflamed, or as frequent. I notice when I have gluten now as I break out on my back, lower back, chin, and hairline on the nape of my neck.

My esthetician has commented on my face, clearing up numerous times!  I also don't have to cake on makeup to go out in public. If you have acne, breakouts, then gluten-free diet might be all the skin care you need!
